IGP Schutzhund Training in Southwest FL

IGP, formerly known as IPO or Schutzhund, is the Olympics of dog sports.
Originated in Germany over 100 years ago, it was designed as a breed suitability test for German Shepherds and it evolved into an international sport all over the world for many different working breeds.
This working dog sport offers an opportunity for dog owners to train their dog on the regular basis and to compete with each other for recognition of both the handler’s ability to train and the dog’s ability to perform. It is a sport enjoyed by professional IGP dog trainers as well as people of varied professions and all ages. There is a camaraderie born of their common interest in working with their dogs and developing them to the dogs highest potential. Most importantly, it gives a special job and meaning to a handler/dog team which transpires into an amazing connection, compliance and an incredible bond coming from daily interaction, learning, and practice.
"Schutzhund" means "Protection dog" in German. It is similar to police work and it tests the skills of Schutzhund dog trainers and handlers demanding control, accuracy and precision, as well as strong positive relationship between the dog and the handler all judged by points. Schutzhund training develops a one of a kind rewarding human/canine partnership which shines with big positive emotions combined with power.
It is the triathlon of 3 phases. First phase is Tracking (where the dog is judged on how accurately he can find the footsteps of a stranger while finding and alerting the handler the tiny dropped articles while showing enthusiasm focus and precision.
Second phase is Obedience demonstrating strong powerful synchronized focused heeling with Sit/Down/Stand out of walking and running, lightning speed recalls. There is a retrieve of a 4.5 lb dumbbell and then a retrieve of a 1+lb dumbbell over a 1meter hurdle and a scaling wall. An impressive complex exercise of sending a dog away across the entire football field and downing at the end on the judges signal. Plus of course a 10 minute long down with handler out of sight while a strange dog and handler team are performing their routine. The team is scored on high accuracy, precision, speed, and most importantly overall emotions, and attitude of the dog and his connection with the handler.
Third phase is Protection showcasing the poor and true character of the dog who has to demonstrate a search for the helper, strong guarding, apprehension, fight and calm powerful bites and releases while at all times within complete control of the handler. There is a lot of excitement and adrenaline balanced with super obedience during the protection routine.
IGP Training Group in Southwest FL
We are located in Venice, FL. We are not an official IGP club at the moment, we are a training group with members of all 3 organizations in the US. DVG, USCA and AWDF member clubs. We welcome all handler and dog teams with the necessary drive and commitment to succeed in the sport, irrespective of breed.
Schutzhund Training with a group is not a solitary endeavor and our members are expected to help each other by attending training regularly, staying for the duration of the session and helping support the smooth running of the group.
Naturally, many hands make light work so if you join a group, feel free to roll your sleeves up and pitch in with something you feel comfortable with!
IGP requires a lot of time and commitment and it also takes a village...
Ours is successful supportive and fun, come join us with your dog for Schutzhund training in Southwest Florida!